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Economic Development

It is estimated that the Maori economy is worth more than forty billion dollars but the question is what more can be done to ensure that every one is given an equal chance to participate and grow, how can we develop more opportunities through which Maori entrepreneurs, business and social enterprise can grow, what can we predict will be the future trends to enable our people to take advantage of emerging opportunities and what more can we do to grow a talent based workforce primed to take on the world? Here at Nga Ngaru we will build partnerships and alliances with business and industry, representative groups and Government to find new and creative ways to grow the Maori economy. This includes supporting and advocating on behalf of our members on what more can be done to ensure they are able to access said opportunities. Nga Ngaru has also been working on a model of procurement to ensure that Maori small business has equitable access and are able to take advantage of the multi-billion-dollar Government procurement market. Offshore Nga Ngaru has also development relationships with trade and investment groups as well as supporting in country initiatives such as the Maori Small Business Network operating in Australia. Membership to Nga Ngaru is free.

Social Innovation

Nga Ngaru works with Maori community groups, organisations and social service providers to develop new models of service delivery and to ensure sustainability when it comes to funding and sourcing of support for programs of work. Over the last several years we have worked with a range of organisation to build their capacity and capability from management and governance right through to cash-flow, finances and administration. This new thinking and creative models are social services is take away the main pain points and enable the organisation to focus on the work at hand – from organisations involved in suicide prevention and mental health, children in State care, homelessness and unemployment, the environment and climate change. Nga Ngaru also advocates for our members when it comes to changes in Government approaches and policies, increases in funding and more. As a member based organisation our role is to support organisations to reach their full potential.

Maori Media and Broadcasting

In 2016 Nga Ngaru established its own news channel called to provide our members and the Authority with a dedicated forum through which we could showcase their work, case studies, stories and more. The establishment of this dedicated news platform, with more than 80,000 subscribers, enables a much more effective marketing and public relations channel for organisation who might never make it into the mainstream media. The channel also show cases stories of success, provides the Authority with the ability to advocate clear and specific policy messages to Government and other stakeholders. In addition to our own dedicated news channel the Authority has an interest in advocating and pushing for more investment into Iwi and Maori media and broadcasting.

Advocacy and Monitoring

Nga Ngaru provides a dedicated advocacy package that supports our members to communicate effectively on key matters of policy. In recent years that has included urban fisheries funds, education and training, mental health and suicide prevention, trade training and industry development. More recently we have embarked on a new program of work to support research and development across a range of social, economic and environmental kaupapa. In addition to this the Authority engages in the Waitangi Tribunal Kaupapa claims arena and, where needed, other legal action in support of members.


Nga Ngaru runs workshops on a regular basis for members and non-members when it comes to Governance Best Practice, Revenue Diversification, business and management planning, cashflow forecasting, social media and marketing and the future of non-profits. These workshops are focused on building the capacity and capability of our Maori organisations. Workshops are run on a regular basis.


Nga Ngaru provides two forms of mentorship. The first is for members to guide them through challenges they may face from governance right through to management and HR. The second is a national network of mentors that works with our young people to guide and support them, nurture them into leadership roles and more. To find out more about either of these services get in touch with us.

PO BOX 44370, Point Chevalier, Auckland 1246 New Zealand       

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